The Woman From A.F.R.O.

Stell Rae Simone is the number one agent for the clandestine All Female RevolOrganization 

ssue #1

Stella Rae Simone is the chief operative for the clandestine All Female Revolutionary Organization. A.F.R.O. has assigned Stella a protection detail for scientist Jason Washington  on the eve of unveiling his potentially world altering climate technology. Things quickly go left however when stell spots internamercenary and criminal Franklin Shepard which leads to a confrontation with explosive results in the exciting first issue of The Woman From A.F.R.O.


Issue #2 

Stella must navigate the fallout after the kidnapping of Jason Washington. After a debriefing at A.F.R.O. HQ Stella finds herself crossing international borders to pick up the trail of Franklin Shepard and his possible conspirators.